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As we have already mentioned, the english language is not particularly widespread in Cambodia, with the exception of the most touristic areas, where, however, his knowledge is limited to informal conversations.

Outside the major centers, road signs, for example, are all expressed in cambodian language.

Language is thus the first barrier italian companies must overcome to market their products:
the secreterial / telephone service in cambodian language is there to solve this problem by allowing contacts and communications that, otherwise, would be impossible.

Alongside this service included, the Italo-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce assists italian and local entrepreneurs with specific proposals aimed at facing complicated situations as the signing of contracts for the purchase or sale, with local representatives agents, of legal nature, for the lease or purchase of a  property, for participation in trade fairs.

Qualified translators and interpreters will support you in each step with customers, agents, lawyers and accountants; all professionals who have been working together with the Italo-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce with preferential rates for members.